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October 19, 2018
As open house season begins, our high schools have been venturing out of town to visit our 8th graders in Kalihi (St. John the Baptist Catholic School), Pearl City (Our Lady of Good Counsel School), and Waipahu (St. Joseph Parish School). Likewise, our 8th graders have taken field trips to visit our high school campuses to see what they have to offer and to get a feel of what each is like. Best of luck to our high schools on recruitment and thank you to all for inspiring minds and sharing faith!
St. Louis School visiting Our Lady of Good Counsel School
Sacred Hearts Academy visiting Our Lady of Good Counsel School
Maryknoll School visiting Our Lady of Good Counsel School
Maryknoll School visiting St. Joseph Parish School
St. Francis School (above) and Damien Memorial School (below) visiting St. John the Baptist Catholic School
St. John the Baptist Catholic School visiting St. Louis School
St. Elizabeth School visiting Sacred Hearts Academy