1184 Bishop St, Honolulu, HI 96813
Phone: (808) 585-3300 Fax: (808) 545-5063
Roman Catholics

Roman Catholic Church in the state of hawaii

Diocese of Honolulu

Witness to Jesus

Catholic Living

Catholic Living

Disabilities Ministries

“Called and sustained by God’s initiative, commissioned by the Bishop of Honolulu, and committed to persons with disabilities in the State of Hawaii, the Bishop’s Advisory Board for Persons with Disabilities uses Jesus’ model of accepting people with diverse gifts and abilities and strives to ensure that all people will have the opportunity to fully participate in the life of the Church.”

Mission Statement of Bishop’s Advisory Board for Persons with Disabilities
Diocese of Honolulu

Fr. Koshko & Greg

The Ministry for Persons with Disabilities, a program of the Office for Social Ministry (OSM), works to promote increased accessibility to facilities, services and programs in parishes creating opportunities where persons with disabilities may live out their baptismal promise as full members and participants in our Church.  Advocacy and awareness education helps our parishes to Open Hearts, Open Minds and Open Doors.

We affirm that all of God’s children are created in His unique image and likeness.  As Church, our parishes are called to be inclusive faith communities that welcome and celebrate that which makes us unique, each with our diverse abilities.

Ohana Mass

Join us as we come together as One Ohana to celebrate the liturgy in a special way.  The Ohana Mass is an adapted liturgy for and with families with sons and daughters of unique abilities and intellectual disabilities. We also invite you to join us for a fellowship potluck after the Mass.

Currently, Ohana Mass is celebrated on the third Sunday of each month at St. Raphael Church in Koloa (Kauai), and the last Sunday at Holy Trinity Church in Niu Valley (East Honolulu). Periodically, there may be time or location changes that will be posted in the "Ohana Reminders" box below. Ohana members are encouraged to check the reminders often.

Ohana Reminders

Kauai Ohana Mass - July 17 to begin at 11:45 AM.

Holy Trinity families - Halloween Party following October 30 Ohana Mass.

If you'd like to attend an Ohana Mass or would like more information about the Mass, please contact Iwie Tamashiro at the Office for Social Ministry at (808) 203-6702 or email itamashiro@rcchawaii.org.

Mass Interpreted for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing

For many years, Sts. Peter and Paul Church on Kaheka St. in Honolulu has been offering interpreted mass for persons who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing. All are welcome to attend each Sunday at 11 AM. Contact the parish office at (808) 941-0675 for more information.

Interpretation for diocesan liturgies available upon request to the Ministry for Persons with Disabilities at (808) 203-6702 (via Relay) or email itamashiro@rcchawaii.org.

We Go To Mass

WE GO TO MASS was created as a worship tool to assist people with disabilities, most particularly those within the autism spectrum.  We as Church look forward to welcoming our brothers and sisters back to their faith communities and pray this mass book will ease their return.  Alternative formatting (large print, Braille, audiotape, sign language interpretation) will be provided by the Office for Social Ministry upon request.  Pastors and Religious Education programs are encouraged to collaborate with OSM in our outreach efforts on all islands in every Vicariate throughout the Diocese.


To request a copy of We Go To Mass and to register yourself and your family with our ministry, contact the Ministry for Persons with Disabilities at the Office for Social Ministry at (808) 203-6702 or email itamashiro@rcchawaii.org.

Why & For Whom was the We Go to Mass Book Written


Disabilities Ministry Resources